3CX SBC vs Mine
3CX SBC v16
3CX SBC works great for small and medium sized businesses. The biggest issue I have seen is that it is deployed on Windows which is susceptible to Windows updates and just generally Windows desktop should not be used as a server. Let’s be honest the Raspberry Pi is a cool little box and we have run Citrix zero clients on it as a dummy terminal, but do you really want your phone system to depend on a plastic box the size of a pack of cigarettes?
If you are going to install 3CX’s SBC there are limitations on amount of concurrent calls, phones and BLF’s. If you install it in an environment that needs to be up, put it on a server not a Windows desktop. I know a school district in North Texas that hired a company out of Wichita Falls to implement their 3CX uhmmmm…. At the High School they put the 3CX on the Librarian’s desktop, she went home early and shut her computer down and 3CX for the High School!
So now I will tell you that we have a Linux based SBC. Before you ask, it is not supported by 3CX, but it works well. It is consistent and seamlessly integrates with 3CX. Since we have implemented our SBC we have not had to build VPNs, use STUN or the 3CX SBC. We have been using it for 4 years and it has been bullet proof. We have a few 3CX partners hosting with us and they can’t say enough about how great it is. We include the use of our SBC if you host with us and we also support custom FQDN’s in our environment.
AustenTel Hosted Voice and SBC
So if you are planning on deploying 3CX in an Enterprise manner you should consider hosting AustenTel Hosting. Our SBC has no limitations on the amount of extensions, BLF’s, or concurrent calls. In short we have invested a lot of time and money in our SBC. Thanks for reading see you soon!
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